Tuesday, December 2, 2014

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

For the past year I have been having a running argument with myself regarding whether or not we should get an artificial tree.  For all our married life Lyn and I have been getting real pine trees for Christmas.  I love the scent, I love going to the lots to find a tree.  I love dragging them home in the car.  I just plain love a real tree. 

My issue started because real trees are beginning to cost so much money.  It has been easy to spend way too much money on a real tree.  I could have bought a top of the line artificial Christmas tree a few times over in the years Lyn and I have been married.

Around October of this  year I was walking around and I noticed a cedar tree that would make a nice Christmas tree, the problem was it belongs to my neighbor :P  I began to look around our land for a proper cedar tree that would work as a Christmas tree for us. 

There is a problem with cedar trees.  They don't have real pine boughs for branches, and they have a tendency to look kinda scraggly.  I found three possible prospects that I was excited about.  I finally picked one that was just off the driveway.  It looked fairly uniform and seemed to be the right height.  The problem was, the tree was situated next to a couple of TALL OAK TREES.  These oak trees may have dwarfed the tree and made it look smaller than it actually is.

The day after Thanksgiving Lyn, Kevin and Hezekiah went to go cut down our tree.  

They cut down the tree........

 brought it up to the house......

It did look scraggly, but I thought there was hope.....

Then we brought the tree into the house.....

It wasn't so small......

It's almost as wide as it is tall......

It's scraggly......

But you know what?  I like it.  I'm pleased with it.  Our tree is a wonderful Christmas Tree.

....and now I have a whole nother year to argue with myself as to whether we should buy an artificial tree!

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

An Invitation

I was thanking God this past week for the richness of his blessings in our life, specifically for our children and grandchildren and I realized that I would never have known the hugs of our precious grandchildren if a friend of ours had not invited Lyn to go to a bible study.

It was that invitation that was a defining moment in Lyn’s life, but it was also a defining moment in my life and we hadn’t even met yet.

If our friend had never given that invitation, Lyn wouldn’t have decided to have a relationship with God and I would never have given him a second thought.  Because she cared, she invited. Because she took an opportunity and invited, I have been blessed beyond what I could have ever have prayed for as a young girl.  Words cannot express the depth of gratitude I have. 

Because she invited Lyn to a Bible study, I am married to a man who loves me, who loves to show me in oh so many ways how precious I am to him.  Because she invited, I have four beautiful daughters that we are so proud of, that bring me unimaginable joy, four sons in law that love, respect and protect me like I am their very own Mom, and five precious, precious grandchildren who think I am the best thing since sugar was discovered.  I get to hear their sweet voices calling me Grammy.  I get slobbery wet kisses and happy giggles because of way too much silliness. 

I am challenged by the blessings I received because someone cared enough to invite Lyn to have an opportunity to believe in God. Would you join me and invite those who surround your life to have that same opportunity, after all you never know how that invitation is going to change their life and the lives of the people who surround them. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Choices, choices, choices

When our daughters were growing up, a re-occurring lecture to them was about choices.  I choose the word lecture because first of all, it was a teaching moment.  Secondly, the wisdom that I was imparting to them was not debatable, it was a part of living in the Gunther household.

We might have been discussing someone else's decision or one of their own decisions, but when it came down to it I would consistently say, "We ALL have choices to make.  If you make a good choice you will reap the rewards of that choice.  If you make a bad choice you will pay the consequence of that choice."

The Bible bears this out and you can find examples of people who made each kind of choice.  One of my favorite stories in the Bible comes from 1 Samuel 25 where we find the story of Nabal, Abigail and David.  Each had a choice to make.  Each choice had rewards or consequences.

Nabal made a foolish choice and it ultimately cost him his life.  Abigail made a wise choice and it saved her life and the life of everyone that lived in her household.  Abigail's choice gave David the opportunity to change his mind and not have something on his conscience that didn't belong here.  Abigail's choice gave her the opportunity to become a wife of one of the greatest men that have ever lived.

It's my hope that when our daughters (even though they are all grown up) are facing decisions, in the back of their minds they hear my voice saying "What kind of choice are you going to make?  Will it reap rewards or will you have consequences to pay?".  It's my hope that they not only continue to make good choices but that they repeat this message not only to their own children, but to the people that surround their lives.

There are so many things going on in our world today.  Choices are being made that will have global effects.  People are making decisions today that will affect not only their lives but the lives of those who live around them and care for them.  Will those choices bear consequences or reap rewards? 

Let us make wise choices.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Pflaumen Kuchen

It's summer time, and it's hot here in the Ozarks.  Today temps are in the high 90's with high humidity.  It's a day for playing on the lake, swimming in the pool or if those aren't an option staying inside where  the A/C is running.

I've been longing for a taste of my Mom's Pflaumen Kuchen (Plum Cake).  I remember coming up from the lake after a day of swimming, walking into the cottage and my Mom having a piece of this cake ready for me to eat.  It was moist, the plums were sweet and the best part was the streusel on top.  Crunchy on the outside soft and flavorful on the inside.  It was a great ending for a day filled with swimming and sunshine.

So today, while it's hot outside, I have decided to bake inside.  I am going to make the dessert that I have been longing for, the dessert that is a part of my heritage and good memories of growing up.

I needed to find a recipe, because sadly I do not have my Mom's.  I looked at a lot of sources but ended up going back to the fail safe for today - Pinterest =)  I found two recipes that I thought best looked like the plum cake that I remember.

This one looked close, the plums look so juicy, but those almonds (which I
love) were the deciding factor against that recipe.  Mom's recipe didn't have nuts!
a slice of pflaumen kuchen
I decided on this  recipe.

This looks exactly like I remember it.  Unfortunately, the recipe lists flour, sugar and butter in ounces.  Not cups.  Math.  It is not my strong suit.  I found a converter online (thank God for the internet) and a baking I went.

I started by creaming the butter and sugar, adding the egg, vanilla and sour cream.

Then I incorporated the flour, baking powder and pinch of salt.  It made a very thick batter.

I spread the batter out in the round baking dish.

I layered the plums - I wanted this to be a bit more decorative, but apparently those skills are lacking today

then the part I love best, the streusel.

In the oven it went.  The cake came out 35 minutes later looking like it was melt in my mouth delicious. 

Oh goodness, the taste.  It's there.  It's amazing.  It's just like I remember. 


Plum Cake

1 Stick Butter                         Pinch of Salt
1/4 Cup Sugar                        3/4 Cup Flour
1/2 tsp vanilla                         1  tsp Baking Powder
1 Egg                                     2 Cup Plums (pitted and sliced into thin wedges)
1 Tbsp Sour Cream                 

Streusel Topping:

6 Tbsp Butter
1/4 Cup Flour
1/4 Cup Sugar
1/2 tsp Cinnamon

Cream together butter and sugar in a large mixing bowl.
When it gets fluffy and light add in egg, vanilla and sour cream.  Beat again until egg incorporates well with the mixture.
Now add flour and baking powder to the mixture and mix well.  The batter will be too thick to compare to other cake batters.
Take a round greased baking pan and spread the prepared batter onto the pan, arrange the plum wedges on top of the batter in a circular pattern over the batter and set aside.
To prepare the Streusel topping, blend butter, sugar, flour and cinnamon with a fork until crumbly.  Sprinkle onto plum wedges.
Place the pan in preheated oven at 375 degrees for about 35 minutes.  Until the streusel topping is a light golden color.
Very Yummy Pflaumen Kuchen is ready to eat when it is cooled to room temperature.

Monday, July 14, 2014

A lot has happened in a year...

One Year.
52 Weeks.
365 days.
A year.

Time has passed so very quickly.  Last year at this time, I was afraid to drive back home in the dark because of the winding roads.  Last night I whipped around the roads to get home without much thought of the dark, the turns or twists in the road.  I have changed. I've become comfortable with where I live.

Last year at this time, Lyn and I were discussing termite damage.  The work involved in getting it fixed, how best to do that work, trying to find concrete forms big enough to support the wood beams.  This year with our foundation secure we are going to get to work on staining the front of our house.  Thinking about the logistics of what is needed to happen to make the process go smoothly.  The house has changed.

Last year I had two daughters in Wisconsin, one in Illinois, and one in Missouri.  This year I have one daughter in Wisconsin, one in Arizona, one in Colorado and one in Missouri.  My heart hurts at the distance that is between us, so grateful for a car to travel in, and finding low airline rates.  Grateful that we have a daughter close to us.  Our travel plans have changed.

Last year I had 3 grandsons.  This year I have 3 grandsons, a granddaughter and a grandson on the way.  My heart has changed.  It has expanded, grown because of goodnight hugs, soft I love you's, chubby little hands and gas filled smiles that wrap themselves around my heart that is now so filled with love that sometimes I feel like it is going to burst.

Last year, we were starting Lyn's business.  A lot of praying, a lot of talking, a lot of planning, a lot of calling on agents to form relationships so that they would trust us to do a home inspection.  Lyn is on his fourth home inspection of the year and we are beginning to see our dream of giving become a reality. Our life has changed.

Change seems to come in all different ways.  It can arrive suddenly with a phone call, or so slowly that over time you wonder if it wasn't always this way. Change can be a cause for celebration, laughter and dancing!  Some change is very difficult and there is the question if the situation will ever be different, sometimes when there is pain involved to make the change happen I wonder if it is worth it. 

I am thankful that in all the change there is a constant.  God hasn't changed.  I know who I believe in and I can trust Him.  There are a lot of things I know, even more that I don't, but this one thing I am persuaded is true.  God knows.  God has it. I may not know what change is around the corner, but I know the one who does. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

I thought I could do it......

We woke up this morning to a few inches of snow.  Not much in the scheme of things.  I was scheduled to work today so I told Lyn that I would drive down our driveway and if the roads were plowed, I'd go into work, otherwise I would come on back home.

It is a beautiful day today.  I am from Wisconsin.  Really, I can handle this little bit of precipitation.

The sky is blue, the snow is white, the sun is shining - just gorgeous!

So I made it down our driveway.  Whew!  Drove out onto the street only to find it was not plowed.  There was no way my little car was going to make it up and down all the hills into town today.  I turned around and made it about a third of the way up our driveway, the incline was too much.  I decided to try to drive the car - backwards - to the bottom of the driveway and leave it down there for the day.

As I rounded one of the bends I started to slide, and then I got stuck, but good.  I know better than to horse around with it myself.  I needed my husband's wisdom and guidance.

I walked back up the driveway, told the story to my dear husband.  I changed my clothes and we got on the tractor

and headed down the driveway.

To where our car was stuck in the snow

Lyn towed it out with the tractor 

and then backed the car back down the hill

We parked the car at the bottom of the driveway because there is no going up the hill today.

Lyn & I walked back up the driveway to where the tractor was parked

and this is where I will be spending the rest of my day.  In the house, with a cup of tea, a fire in the fireplace and a beautiful view to look at.

Love you all, hope your having a great day!

Ingy Bink

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Ant Damage Part 3 - The Finale'

It was three days of hard work, some discussing of the right way to make sure the railings stand up properly and voila', the front porch is completely done!  

This is how the porch looked after all the concrete work was done

We put on the stringers

When all the stringers were on we (meaning Lyn) nailed on the treads for the stairs.

We started making the railings for the left side ,

Please note my shadow on the left - I think I need photography help!

and then we worked on the right side 


and then we were done!

We think we did a pretty good job considering neither one of us is a carpenter and we NEVER did anything like this before.  The treated lumber has to "weather" for a few  months, and then we will stain it to match the house.

Well friends, that is the saga of the Ant Damage.