Wednesday, April 3, 2013

It's difficult coming up with a name for your blog in today's world.....

I’ll bet your wondering about the name of my blog…..I was at a Women’s event and there was a hair and make-up demonstration.    The stylist was applying make-up to a model’s face.  She was putting a shimmery/glittery substance around the model’s eyes.  As she applied the make-up she was talking, giving advice and this is where I got the title for my blog.   She said, (to the best of my memory) “Women with, um (she was searching for just the right word here) MATURE SKIN shouldn’t use anything with glitter in it because it gets stuck in the crevices of the skin.”  

Oh my goodness.  I have mature skin.  I really do.  The skin is there, I don’t know how I got it.  When I think of my skin it is soft and smooth dare I say supple, so it comes as a bit of a surprise when looking in the mirror that I come to the realization that this is a woman who should not use products with glitter in them.

Fast Forward to the next day…. I am putting away the table decorations from the table my daughter’s and I hosted.  There happened to be some glittery ornaments.  One of those crazy ornaments had a wild mind of its own.  It did not want to be placed in the box.  I grabbed it gently not wanting to get glitter on my fingers, and it popped out of my grasp, jumped up and hit me in the face.

I really didn’t think much more about it until I started to get ready for church.  Looking in the mirror, right above my eye was a big smear of glitter.  I just learned that glitter was a big huge no-no for mature skin!  I used a dry rag to try and brush it off my face.  Yeah - that did not work.  I made the wash rag wet, that did not work.  I tried covering it up with make-up, that did not work.  Nothing was working; everything I tried spread the glitter further around my face and into the crevices of my skin.  I ended up going to church with glitter in my makeup on my Mature Skin.

Welcome to my blog!