Wednesday, November 27, 2013


I'm going to try to write without getting too sappy or emo.  It will be quite a challenge since one of our daughters just sent me a text saying she missed me.  Needless to say I am a puddle.  Hang in there with me and I'll try to keep it together.

I am so very thankful. Thankful for a warm house......

                                           ...... thankful for food on the table and in our tummies.

Thankful for my husband who has continually surprised me this year (in a good way xoxo). 

Thankful for our daughters who are beautiful inside and out and so very loved. 

Thankful for our son in laws all of whom I respect and love. 

Thankful for our grandsons, who I love so, so very much.  They bring joy to my heart.  Thankful for the grandbaby that will be born in the New Year, I can't wait to meet you!

Thankful for family and friends that have made our life so much fuller because of who they are.

Thankful that God loves me and has never given up on me.

Happy Thanksgiving!  May God's joy be with you as you celebrate today!

Whew! I made it!!  =)

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